Steam specialist TLV Euro Engineering has launched a range of free-float steam traps designed for process applications which, it is promised, can be regularly, safely and easily removed, repaired and reused.
Applications for the new FJ32 range – a reliable and durable stainless-steel steam trap for use on steam mains and process equipment – include jacketed pans, heat exchangers and vulcanisers.
“The FJ32 is a maintainable process steam trap with QuickTrap connections that, when used in conjunction with TLV’s recently-launched QuickStation™ QS10 steam trap station, can be safely isolated, the system blown down, existing trap removed and new trap installed and reopened for getting the process back up and running quickly,” commented TLV’s general manager Michael Povey.
“The FJ32 can then be maintained and put back into stock for future use.”
The two models in the FJ32 range – FJ32-X and FJ32-B – feature a two-bolt universal QuickTrap connector that facilitates inline steam trap replacement in either vertical or horizontal piping. This significantly reduces the time required for installation, removal, repair and maintenance, says TLV, with removal of the old and installation of the new traps undertaken in a matter of minutes. This connection also allows traps to be positioned correctly regardless of pipeline configuration.
Using TLV’s Free Float technology, the trap quickly adjusts to changes in the condensate load, with its three-point seating ensuring a steam tight seal even under low load conditions. A precision ground float provides a near-infinite number of contact surfaces with the orifice, ensuring negligible wear.
The high temperature (max. 350ºC) FJ32-B and low temperature (max. 240ºC) FJ32-X models come with different air venting methodologies to minimise start-up time. “This, coupled with the maximum operating pressure of 32barG, offers a versatile trap suitable for a variety of applications,” says Mr Povey.