New EU welding regulations that come into effect from 1 January 2021 set out ecodesign requirements for welding equipment.
The definition of welding equipment includes products that are used for manual, automated or semi-automated welding, brazing, soldering or cutting.
The regulations address the environmental performance of welding equipment and include the aspects such as energy consumption including power source efficiency and idle state power consumption.
Welding equipment powered by three-phase power sources with direct current output must have a minimum power source efficiency of 85%. Equipment powered by single-phase power with DC output, and by either single or three-phase power with AC output, must have a minimum power source efficiency of 80%. For all cases maximum, idle state power consumption is 50W.
Updated resource efficiency requirements mean that distributors must be able to replace any parts that may be needed for a minimum period of 10 years after the production of the unit – including for control panels, power sources, equipment housing, batteries and welding torches.
Distributors will also have to state the power source efficiency and power consumption, making it easier for users to check that equipment complies with the regulations.
By 2030, it is estimated that the regulation will result in annual energy savings of 1.09TWh.
For full details see https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2019/1784/oj
Further info:
Engweld is an approved service agent for leading brands of welding plants and associated equipment. Its own welding equipment complies with the latest regulations. For more information, visit https://engweld.co.uk/repairs-and-servicing.